Due Diligence Reports

Vet your Chinese partners, customers, suppliers, or investors.

Serica Due Diligence Reports Contact Us | Empowering Innovators
Look before you leap

Doing business in China presents a range of reputational, legal, and compliance risks. Understanding exactly who are doing business with is essential to minimize those risks, avoid costly mistakes, and make well-informed decisions. Serica’s due diligence reports help you assess the legitimacy, credibility, and resources of any mainland Chinese company so you can proceed with your transaction or partnership with confidence.

Our Approach

Serica | Due Diligence | Uncover

Review government registers, company collateral, and other publicly available sources of information.

Serica | Due Diligence | Analyze

Cross-reference, analyse the information and provide recommendations.

Serica | Due Diligence | Report

Compile our findings and recommendations in an easy-to-digest report or presentation.

Standard Report

Standard Report provides:

- Entity Name
- Former Name(s)
- Company Number
- Company Type
- Sector
- Trading Status
- Date of Establishment
- Registered Address
- Registered Capital
- Registered Business Scope
- Legal Representative
- Shareholder(s)


per report

Enhanced Report

Everything in the Standard Report +

- Administrative Details
- Related Companies
- Persons of Significant Control
- Registered Patents & Trademarks
- Registered Licenses
- Key Financials
- Headcount
- Recent Media Coverage
- Online Channels
- Risk Assessment
- Recommendations


per report

Tailored Report

Contact us to discuss a tailored report scope.

starting from


per report