
Safely divest your Chinese subsidiaries.

Divestitures | Serica | Empowering Innovators
Derisking and divesting from China

Rising economic, geopolitical, and regulatory complexities are reshaping China’s trade and investment landscape. Many companies with high exposure to these market forces now face a critical decision: derisk, adapt to an “in China for China” strategy, or exit the market entirely which all require strategic divestments.

Serica divestiture solutions to enable companies of all sizes to swiftly and safely divest their Chinese subsidiaries or business units. Our unique market position, cross-border transaction experience, and localized approach enable us to deliver results while minimizing reputational and financial risks. 

Our Approach

Divestitures | Serica | Empowering Innovators | Plan

Understand your motives for divestment, set goals, and create an actionable plan.

Divestitures | Serica | Empowering Innovators | Source

Identify, engage, and qualify viable targets, then provide a shortlist for your consideration.

Divestitures | Serica | Empowering Innovators | Close

Negotiate, close, and ratify a favorable purchase agreement and post-deal handover plan.

The Serica Advantage

  • Direct access to the ‘Serica Launchpad’ – an extensive network of MNCs, SOEs, investment firms, universities, and startups;
  • Local expertise to identify trends, potential risks, and the next big opportunities with speed and precision, helping you navigate through the Chinese market with confidence;
  • Global perspective and focus on the big picture to translate your needs and desires to this unfamiliar market;
  • Intelligent strategies that bring together diligent research, industry expertise, and local knowledge to map out the best route to achieve your divestment goals;
  • Seasoned negotiators who can secure you favorable valuations and term sheets, sustainable corporate governance structures, and other key deal mechanics;
  • Ad hoc transaction support to help make your ongoing transactions and existing ventures successful; and
  • Transparent fees that enable you to plan your budget and resources effectively.