
Arm yourself with intelligent strategies built around your needs.

Blueprint for success

Scratching your head about the best mode of entry? Not sure how to localize your solution to the market? Need to figure out how you can leverage Chinese technology to realize your global innovations goals? Serica can help, we can provide:

Entry Strategy

Clear and practical roadmap to empower you to enter, grow, and compete effectively.

Localization Strategy

Guidelines on how to effectively localize your solutions, operations, and management.

Innovation Strategy

Understand the innovations available and how you can integrate them into your business.

Our Approach

Serica | Market Entry Strategies | Define

Gain a deep understanding of your technology, business model, internal capabilities, and goals for the market.

Serica | Market Entry Strategies | Uncover

Illuminate current market conditions, and identify your company’s ideal fit to achieve commercial success.

Serica | Market Entry Strategies | Guide

Deliver a clear and pragmatic blueprint for success that you can implement with confidence.

Fee Structure

All our strategies are fully tailored to your needs and goals, like our other short-term engagements, we have a simple and transparent retainer model that enables you to plan your budget and resources accordingly.



Senior Partner $600
Partner $500
Associate Partner $350
Engagement Manager $225
Analyst $175

All prices are in USD and exclusive of sales tax.
Serica DOES NOT, under any circumstances, work on a sweat equity or commission only basis.

Engagement Steps

  1. Receive an initial consultation for free (billed hourly thereafter) to discuss your needs and goals.
  2. Sign a ‘Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement’ to protect everyone’s interests. For mutual convenience and security, we send the agreement electronically (via Docusign) for e-signature.
  3. Receive profiles of the consultants we will assign to you along with a basic time estimate in a simple digital proposal that you can sign and pay online with ease.
  4. Engagement begins, and fees are deducted from the retainer at the rates stipulated above. If the volume of work is below the original estimate, you will be reimbursed the difference. If it exceeds the expected volume, you will be notified in advance to replenish the retainer.
  5. Upon completion, you can repeat the process or switch to a long-term engagement.


1. What are the average costs of each strategy?
The average cost of our entry and localization strategies are $30,000. The average of our innovation strategies are $60,000.

2. What is the average time it takes to develop each strategy?
The average time to complete an entry or localization strategy is six weeks. The time to complete an innovation strategy is 12 weeks.

3. What is the minimum amount to retain Serica’s services?
The minimum amount to retain Serica is $15,000.

4. Does your fees include expenses?
No, any project-related expenses will be borne by you. Our contracts typically state that all expenses must be pre-approved and itemized receipts must be provided before any reimbursements of expenses can be made.

5. Are there any third-party fees we will incur?
Maybe, it depends on the project scope. Where such third-party fees occur, Serica will endeavor through its network of strategic partners, to keep these costs to a minimum.

6. What currencies do you accept?
We accept USD, GBP, EUR, and RMB.

7. What jurisdictions apply to Serica contracts?
Our default jurisdiction is Singapore due to its advanced legal system and efficient (and cost-effective) dispute resolution. We can also accept other well-regarded Common Law jurisdictions such as England and the United States as alternative jurisdictions.

8. Why do you exclusively use digital contracts, proposals, and invoices?
The ability to receive, sign and pay electronically provides both of us with enhanced security and greater convenience. Learn more.

9. How do you track and report project progress?
We provide you with direct access to our communication hub (Microsoft Teams) and project management software ( that enables you to track and review our progress in real-time.

10. What else do you need from us?
Serica takes a highly collaborative approach to every project we undertake. Throughout the project, we expect and need you to dedicate the time, focus, and resources towards achieving the goals we set together.

Book a free consultation

Please fill in the form below and we will contact you within three business days.

  • Please add any specific questions or requests here.