Innovations & Opportunities

Day One Recap | Sino-UK Healthcare Summit 2023

Innovations & Opportunities in the Chinese Healthcare Market

Benjamin Speyer, CEO of Serica, explores the latest innovations, market trends, and commercial opportunities that British life sciences, medtech, and digital health innovators can seize in the Chinese healthcare market.

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AstraZeneca’s China Innovation Strategy

Chandler Chen, Executive Director at Astra Zeneca and Head of their iCampus and Innovation Center, shares his insights on healthcare innovation in China, how Astra Zeneca engages with this burgeoning market, and what support they offer to new entrants.

Learn more about Astra Zeneca:

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Innovation in China’s Digital Health Market

Sheng Ge, Director of Strategic Development at WeiMai (a Hangzhou-based digital health unicorn), provides a look at China’s digital health landscape, how they have accelerated its growth and efficacy, and advice for British innovators looking to enter the Chinese market.

Learn more about Wei Mai:

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China’s Healthcare Market & Business Opportunities

Yiran Song, Managing Director at Marathon Venture Partners (a Beijing-based international VC firm), discusses the history, trends, and opportunities of the Chinese healthcare market through the lens of case studies from their portfolio.

Learn more about Marathon Venture Partners:

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Panel Discussion | British Success Stories in China

Join moderator Kiran Patel, Senior Director of the China Britain Business Council and a panelist of British innovators – Sam Atkinson (Executive VP,, Ged McGonnell (Founder, OLM Diagnostics), Dr. Fred Sun (Managing Partner, Cancer Care Commission), and Dr. Anna Liu (VP, Circle Harmony Health) – as they share stories of their successes and ongoing challenges of doing business in China.

Lean more about the CBBC:

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