
Make objective and data-driven decisions.

Serica | Research | Market Intelligence
Understand the Chinese market

China is an enigma and an emotive subject to many. Reports and whitepapers covering the economic, geopolitical, regulatory, and technological landscape often contradict each other. New entrants who try to conduct their own research have to contend with language barriers, access issues, and data disprepencies. The result? Companies are unable to make objective and data-driven decisions on the Chinese market. Serica’s range of market research solutions help you cut through the noise to make well-informed decisions on this complex emerging market.

Our Approach

Serica | Market Entry Strategies | Define

Identify the areas that matter to you and define the scope of your tailored report.

Serica | Market Entry Strategies | Uncover

Combine desktop and field research to uncover the latest market intelligence.


Compile our findings and recommendations in an easily digestible report.

Market Report

Macro-overview of the Chinese market and target sector. The report includes:

- Economic overview
- Regulatory overview
- Geopolitical overview
- Sector overview
- Sector trends
- Market leaders
- Notable foreign entrants

starting from


per report

Ecosystem Report

Understand the key players in your chosen target market and industry vertical. The report includes:

- Ecosystem map
- Local market leaders
- Foreign competitors
- Emerging startups
- Key suppliers
- Regulators
- Universities
- Research Insitutes
- Innovation Centers

starting from


per report

Feasibility Report

Determine if and how you can be successful in China. The report includes:

- Economic overview
- Regulatory overview
- Geopolitical overview
- Market attractiveness rating
- Solution-to-market fit analysis
- Challenge identification
- Risk rating
- Viable modes of entry
- Key landing zones
- FDI incentives
- SWOT analysis
- Recommendations

starting from


per report

Product Analysis

Uncover details of a prospects or competitors product/solution. The report includes:

- Value proposition
- Unique Selling Points (USPs)
- Competitive advantages
- Pricing
- Market positioning
- Marketing channels
- Key suppliers
- Key customers
- Case studies

starting from


per report

Tailored Report

Contact us to discuss a tailored report scope.

starting from


per report