
Ask questions and talk through different scenarios with a Serica expert.

Insights from leading market experts

China is a huge, fragmented, and rapidly changing market that is becoming increasingly complex to navigate through. Whether new to the market or an established player, companies need advice and insights they can trust. Serica’s advisory solution lets you ask questions and talk through different scenarios with one of our experts so you can make better decisions. We can help you:

  • Understand the main opportunities, risks, and challenges of entering the Chinese market;
  • Avoid the major pitfalls and mistakes that prevent companies from succeeding;
  • Assess the viability of any specific ideas, plans, or strategies you may have;
  • Discover your ideal market, customers, and industry fit;
  • Navigate complex corporate structuring, regulatory hurdles, and tax implications;
  • Learn how to effectively engage with Chinese companies (including SOE’s), investors, regulatory bodies, and government departments;
  • Overcome potential challenges and pain points you are experiencing with viable and proven solutions;
  • Analyze complex situations with intelligent decision-making guided by expert recommendations.

Scope of Advice

Serica offers two advisory scopes depending on the complexity of the topics covered.


Designed for companies exploring opportunities in the Chinese market. Examples include but are not limited to:

- Market opportunities
- Common challenges and risks
- Company incorporation
- Chinese culture
- Industry ecosystems
- Business development
- Event planning
- Travel logistics


per hour


Typically for companies actively doing business in China. Examples include but are not limited to:

- Strategic planning
- Sales & licensing
- Client management
- Supplier management
- Investor management
- Contract management
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Post-deal integration
- Scenario planning
- Corporate governance
- Financial considerations
- Regulatory considerations
- Geopolitical considerations
- Technological considerations
- Government engagement
- Conflict resolution
- Crisis management


per hour