Market Establishment Details

Process | Fee Structure | Engagement Steps | FAQ

Our Process

Serica’s unique market position and industry expertise enable us to gain you an immediate foothold in the market that is ready to scale nationwide in just eighteen months.

Market Establishment

  • 1

    Understand your company’s solutions, capabilities, and goals for the Chinese market.

    • Company audit
    • Innovation analysis
    • IP implications
    • Define goals
    • ‘China Ready’ training

  • 2

    Arm you with the knowledge and insights you need to make decisions with confidence. 

    • Market analysis
    • Ecosystem mapping
    • Regulatory assessment
    • Competitor benchmarking
    • Channel identification

  • 3

    Develop a comprehensive go-to-market strategy with clear targets and timeframes.

    • Corporate structure
    • Shortlist prospects
    • Communication strategy
    • Business development strategy
    • Resource allocation

  • 4

    Apply for government grants, incorporate your Chinese subsidiary, and submit license applications.

    • Government grant & support application
    • Company incorporation & tax registration
    • Industry license applications
    • Regulatory approval applications
    • Shortlist landing zones

  • 5

    Begin to promote your brand and solution across your target region utilising both offline and online channels.

    • Develop marketing assets
    • Attend conferences and/or trade shows
    • Organize promotional events
    • Engage with state and private media

    These promotional activities will continue throughout the project.

  • 6

    Conduct meetings, qualify opportunities and close commercial contracts and partnership agreements.

    • Conduct meetings
    • Qualify leads
    • Conduct negotiations
    • Draft agreements
    • Manage accounts

    These business development activities will continue throughout the project.

  • 7

    Recruit, train, and manage a general manager and operations director to become your chief representatives in China.

    • Recruitment
    • Training and coaching
    • Performance management
    • Handover strategy

  • 8

    Complete the operational handover and then help you decide what to with your profitable and self-sufficient Chinese subsidiary.

    • Handover accounts
    • Notify stakeholders
    • Provide audit trail
    • Establish auxiliary support

Fee Structure

Fully tailored to your needs and goals, our monthly fees are calculated from specific project variables, including industry complexity, resource allocation, and value created.



Complexity x Resources x Value Created =
(our rates)
$25-35k per month
(on average)

All prices are in USD and exclusive of sales tax.
Serica DOES NOT, under any circumstances, work on a sweat equity or commission only basis.

Engagement Steps

Our engagement process is designed to be highly collaborative to ensure that we find the best solution for your company as efficiently and effectively as possible.

  1. Receive a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your goals for the Chinese market and how Serica can help you achieve them.
  2. Sign a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (MNDA) to protect everyone’s interests. For mutual convenience and security, agreements are sent electronically via DocuSign.
  3. We outline the details (in a simple 10-slide presentation) of our prescribed solution – covering the opportunities, time-frames, the value created, and estimated project fees for your consideration.
  4. Once you achieve consensus on the broad solution, we will have a follow-up meeting to allow you to ask any questions, refine details, and request changes.
  5. Building upon what was previously discussed and agreed upon, we collaborate to develop an ‘Initial Proposal’ covering the precise scope, deliverables, and operation details.
  6. We conduct a ‘Proposal Review Meeting’ where we both have the opportunity to discuss, collaborate, and further refine the proposal.
  7. Based on discussions in the previous meeting, additional details are added to the proposal, alongside Terms & Conditions, transforming the proposal into a legal contract.
  8. We begin working together to achieve your commercial goals and international ambitions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the average length of a Market Establishment project?

Eighteen months.

2. What regions do you focus on?
We focus on the municipalities of Shanghai and Beijing as well as the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Guangdong.

3. After the project is completed, can you work in a reduced capacity to continue to help us grow?
Yes, we typically reduce our fees by approximately 75% after the project is over to enable you to continue to access the Serica Launchpad and our team’s expertise. In some rare cases, we can even join your board of directors or advisory board to provide corporate governance and strategic oversight.

4. Can you reduce the professional fees in exchange for equity?
Depending on your company’s fundamentals, corporate structure, and headquarters location, we can reduce our professional fees by a maximum of 50% for equity. Note, we only accept Ordinary or Preferred Shares in your parent company (not solely your subsidiary) that are transferred in full without any vesting periods.

5. Are expenses covered?
No, any expenses (such as travel and accommodation) will be borne by you. Our contracts typically state that all expenses must be pre-approved and itemized receipts must be provided before any reimbursements of expenses can be made.

6. Are there any third-party fees we will incur?
Maybe, it depends on the project scope. Common third-party fees include software, legal, and administrative fees that you will incur. Where such third-party fees occur, Serica will endeavor through its network of strategic partners, to keep these costs to a minimum.

7. What are your billing cycles?

Our project fees and retainers are billed quarterly, with the first payment due within ten (10) business days of the contract being entered into.

8. What currencies do you accept?

9. What jurisdictions apply to Serica contracts?
Our default jurisdiction is Singapore due to its advanced legal system and efficient (and cost-effective) dispute resolution. We can also accept other well-regarded Common Law jurisdictions such as England and the United States as alternative jurisdictions.

10. Why do you exclusively use digital contracts, proposals, and invoices?

The ability to receive, sign, and pay electronically provides both of us with enhanced security and greater convenience. Learn more.

11. How do you track and report project progress?
We provide you with direct access to our communication hub (Microsoft Teams) and project management software ( that enables you to track and review our progress in real-time.

12. What else do you need from us?
Serica takes a highly collaborative approach to every project we undertake. Throughout the project, we expect and need you to dedicate the time, focus, and resources towards achieving the goals we set together.

Book a free consultation

Please fill in the form below and we will contact you within a maximum of three business days.

  • Please add any specific questions or requests here.